Get Involved
The Temple Historic District is a unique asset to the City of Temple and relies on members of the community to protect, enhance, and perpetuate the heritage and integrity of the homes within its borders. We encourage you to become a member or inquire about joining a committee.
Upcoming Events
Each year a resident in the Historic District hosts an Easter Egg Hunt complete with an appearance by the Easter Bunny. Danny and Rebekah Little have hosted this fun-filled event in recent years and have offered to do so again in 2024. Join us at the Littles’ home for a fun-filled Easter Egg Hunt. Members- Please bring your children, grandchildren, young friends, and neighbors to join us in the hunt and for photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny! Specific details will be available on Facebook, this website, and our newsletter as the date of this event approaches!
For many years, the Historic District has hosted an annual July 4th Parade to celebrate our nation’s independence. For several years, Bill and Deborah Keller have volunteered to chair this patriotic celebration, and they look forward to continuing the tradition. A procession of decorated bikes, pets, and individuals dressed in red, white, and blue march proudly alongside group participants such as Boy Scout troops and Fire Department personnel in fire trucks. The parade typically starts at 9:00AM, on July 4th, at the intersection of French and North 9th Streets and ends at the intersection of Nugent and North 9th Streets. We invite all to join in this special occasion to express our patriotism and appreciation to those who sacrificed for our nation’s freedom. Specific details will be available on Facebook, this website, and our newsletter as the date of this event approaches!
Each fall, members of the HPLT gather to mingle and visit as well as to renew their annual memberships and submit dues. Present members as well as potential new members are encouraged to attend this gathering which is hosted in combination with National Night Out and Oktoberfest! We look forward to enjoying Dr. Gosney’s kind hospitality at the Chinese Mansion again in 2022. This annual event provides a great opportunity to visit with friends and neighbors as well as catch up with HPLT news. Specific details will be available on Facebook, this website, and Instagram, and our newsletter as the date of this event approaches in 2022!
For several years, Dow and Susan Fogleman provided the Christmas Hayride and Caroling Event through the Historic District during the month of December. Don’t miss this cheerful opportunity to share the joys of the holiday with your family and friends as well as treating others to the music of the season!Also in December for the past several years, Scott and Debbie Allen have hosted a delightful Christmas Cookie Exchange party in their festively decorated home. Todd and Kathy Denton have graciously volunteered to host our Cookie Exchange for 2023! We look forward to this holiday celebration each year. So get ready to satisfy your sweet tooth cravings with a variety of confectionary delights contributed by hosts and guests!
Specific details related to both these holiday events will be available on Facebook, Instagram, this website, our newsletter, and news flyers as the dates of these events approach!
Our Yard of the Month Activity, which is organized and implemented by our Health, Safety, and Beautification Committee, is in full swing! One HPLT member home in the North Central Temple Historic District will be chosen seven times a year as our Yard of the Month property, and the owners will receive a $50 local nursery/home improvement gift certificate! Three times a year, one yard will be awarded the distinction of Best Landscape, and four times a year an award will be given for Best Decoration as related to the theme of the month.
The following themes will be used in selecting the Best Decoration Award Winners: July 4th (Patriotic), October (Halloween!), November (Thanksgiving/Harvest), and December (Christmas!). Best Landscape honors will be awarded in April, May, and June.
Deadline for Judging |
Award Date |
Media Announcement of Winner! |
April Landscape YOTM-No later than April 1 |
Mid-April on Monday |
Mid-April on the Friday after Monday’s deadline |
Mid-April as soon as informed |
May Landscape YOTM-No later than May 1 |
Mid-May on Monday |
Mid-May on the Friday after Monday’s deadline |
Mid-May as soon as informed |
June Landscape YOTM-No later than June 1 |
Mid-June on Monday |
Mid-June on the Friday after Monday’s deadline |
Mid-June as soon as informed |
July 4th YOTM-No later than Mid-June |
End of June on Monday |
No later than July 1 and ask them to keep patriotic decor up until at least Mid-July |
First week of July as soon as informed |
Halloween-No later than October 1 |
Mid-October on Monday |
No later than Friday after Monday’s deadline |
Mid-October as soon as informed |
Thanksgiving YOTM-No later than November 1 |
Mid-November on Monday |
Mid-November on Friday after Monday’s deadline |
Mid-November as soon as informed |
Christmas-YOTM-No later than December 1 |
Mid-December on Monday |
Mid-December on Friday after Monday’s deadline |
Mid-December as soon as informed
The HSB Committee will announce the YOTM winner at mid-month of each of the seven award months(See above for July) We ask all HPLT decoration winners to continue to display theme decor until the end of the month. Recipients are chosen by the The HSB based on the scoring guide below (landscape months) and by creativity and the extent of decor (decoration months).The winners will keep the sign in their yard until the next month.
HSB Committee members will use the following scoring rubric in making their selections.
1. General Appearance: Grass mowed and edged, weed free, green with no brown grass = 0-20
2. Beds cleaned and edged =0-10
3. Walks, driveways, and curbs edged and swept =0-10
4. Shrubs neatly pruned =0-10
5. Color contrast = 0-10 pts
6. General neatness: Garbage cans out of sight; No toys, bikes, etc. on front lawn; hoses rolled up; air conditioners, etc. = 1-20 pts
7. Overall landscape design in keeping with the architecture of the house = 0-10 pts
A yard cannot win more than once per year.
A house with a For Sale sign is not eligible to win.
December/Christmas can only win once every five years.
Standing Committees
HPLT History & Education
William Plaster(chair)
Laura Betik
Jennifer Douglass
Activities Committee
Debbie Evans (Chair)
Membership / Registration
Michael Norman (Chair)
Candy Carpenter
Nolan Carpenter
Health, Safety & Beautification
Jody Longino (Chair)
Devin Forbes
Audrey Arnold
The HPLT is very fortunate to work with individuals who stand ready to pitch in as needed. We want to recognize those individuals who contribute by weighting their 2022/23 registration fees above the typical $25 annual contribution. Our Above and Beyond Members include:
Colonnade Contributor -$50
David Branch*
Joe & Kay Guedea*
James & Donna Hill
John & Sheri Joseph*
Whitney & Stephen King*
Kevin & Hope Koch*
John & Dawna Mischtian*
Terry & Zoe Rascoe*
Cameron & Jamie Roucloux
Heather Schoenborn & Callum Lawson *
Pearline Stanley
Foundation Contributor-$100
Kelly Akers*
Bryce & Cassandra Allen*
Todd & Audrey Arnold*
Mickey & Alyce Bartley *
Jack & Jan Barton*
John & Laura Betik*
Virginia Campbell
Nolan and Candy Carpenter
Charlynn & Louis Casey
Tim & Jennifer Davis*
Devin Forbes & Will Plaster*
Gary Gosney*
Foundation Contributor (cont) -$100
David Hammell
Grady & Beverly Hammett *
Tracilynn Jones*
Jenny Kishiyama & Guy Fogleman *
George & Susan Luck*
Don & Beth Mackey*
Brittany & Michael Norman*
Cliff & Carol Rovelto*
Kenneth Schob*
Jerry & Ann Secrest *
Bryan & Suzanne Steeves *
Raleigh & Marianna White*
Gable Contributor-$250
Randall and Debbie Evans*
Dow & Susan Fogleman*
Dr. Steven & Julie Ruiz *
Bruce & Jessica Walker*
Pillar Contributor-$500
Art & Jean Coley
Todd and Kathy Denton*
Many thanks to our new sponsor and Northside Neighbor
Ideal Self Storage
(Located just west of the Adams Street HEB) for assisting us with our HPLT storage needs.
Under new ownership and new management and great to work with! Thank you for your neighborly support of the North Central Temple Historic District.
Fill out the form below to inquire about becoming a member or getting involved with the Temple Historic District!